As summer rolls around, spending time with buddies at the bar with a cold drink becomes a priority on many Minnesotans' schedules. After all, our state has only so many nice days in a year! 

As a bar or other similar establishment, you're no doubt quite preoccupied with offering your clients the best service and atmosphere that you possibly can—and you should be! That's how you do your part to brighten people's days and support yourself and your workers.

Part of providing excellent bar service, though, is offering a great atmosphere—and much of that starts with your restaurant’s audio and visual systems. While many patrons may prefer the fuzzy, tinny drone of a barside radio, if that's all you have to offer in terms of audio, you're failing to take advantage of powerful mood-boosting technology that can drastically improve your facility's ambiance. 

Aufderworld, your local Minnesota provider of music systems for restaurants and sports bar TV, explains what great bar audio can do for you below.

Why Upgrade Your Bar's Audio System?

Think of the last great social gathering you hosted or attended. No doubt there was some sort of music playing in the background, be it holiday carols or the latest hits. Without that music to tie the whole party together, it probably felt hollow and disconnected.

Music has a way of unifying a group of people, smoothing over the most awkward of conversations, and setting the scene for a great time. When you play it through high-quality speakers that project clearly over the typical drink-serving din, it can provide a similar ambiance to a restaurant or sports bar.

Good-Quality Music = No Bad Vibes

People often attend service establishments for a mood boost and to forget about their problems for a while. If your facility isn't using a high-quality music system to project good tunes, you're increasing the odds that someone might leave the bar still feeling bad, thus attaching that feeling to your business.

Set the Mood With Sweet Music Choices

Is your bar young and hip or quieter and relaxed? Depending on the demographics that frequent your bar, you can create a nuanced ambiance with a curated playlist for your clientele. However, that playlist is only effective if people can hear it clearly.

Cut Your Servers a Break

We all know that listening to the radio while working helps things move along quicker and more enjoyably. Servers' jobs are hectic, and as an employer, it's the least you can do to give them this audible luxury.

Create an Impressive Visual Display

If you run a sports bar, you know the importance of having a great sports bar TV system to help draw more customers. If you don't, check out Football Season Is Almost Upon Us: You'll Want DIRECTV From Aufderworld

Video Walls

For big games, you'll need the big pictures that video walls provide. Video walls have been used for quite a while now to create a central area that can increase your customer engagement because there are multiple small screens pieced together to create one large image. 

You can also break them down into individual feeds, with some being used for advertising, some for company information, and others for games and entertainment. 

Because most of your company's traffic is going to be based around the big games, it gives your customers a prime spot, and the more screens are involved, the higher the resolution. 

The walls can be customized too, so whether you want to show one championship game or a tournament with multiple games happening at the same time, this one addition can help you stay ahead of your competitors and bring in more revenue because your sports bar will be known as the place to catch the game. Invest in a video wall system and make your entertainment large and in charge.

DIRECTV With NFL Sunday Ticket

Let's face it sports are a huge way to bring in money, and if your bar isn't airing the best Sunday games, you will be missing out on profits. 

The Commercial DIRECTV With NFL Sunday Ticket package means none of your patrons will miss out on important games, and they will know that you're an establishment that provides high-quality services and offers entertainment that makes them want to return.

Bring More Patrons to Your Bar or Restaurant with Aufderworld

You want your sports bar to be the best hangout place around, and this happens by providing fantastic service, keeping up with trends, and offering amazing entertainment that creates an undeniable vibe that your patrons love. 

The type of entertainment system you have can help increase revenue, so adding amenities like elite audio systems and video walls is a great starting point. 

Adding control systems puts the entire experience over the top because your management capacity will increase. When you have a single access point for temperature, audio, lighting, and your TV, you can accommodate your guest's requests and save your staff some time and energy because no one's running around searching for a remote, letting them stay focused on keeping your customers happy.

Contact Aufderworld for Comprehensive Audio Visual Installation

We aren't just A/V installers—we do visuals, too. We design solutions and give you the knowledge you need to make the most of them. Our expert Minneapolis team would be happy to concoct a stand-out A/V system that makes your sports bar shine. 

For smart solutions for all of your media-related needs, reach out online or give Aufderworld's Minneapolis office a call at 763-233-7700.